Improve the Functionality of Exporting Data from OBIEE into Excel

To improve the functionality of exporting data from analyses, dashboards, and other Oracle BI Presentation Catalog objects into Microsoft Excel, edit settings in OracleBIJavahostComponent
  1. Navigate to the /instances/instance1/config/OracleBIJavaHostComponent folder.
  2. Perform the following actions:
    1. In the config.xml file, configure the XMLP tag for large data as follows:

<XMLP> <InputStreamLimitInKB>32768</InputStreamLimitInKB>

Note: Setting InputStreamLimitInKB governor value to zero (0), which is unlimited, should only be used for testing purposes only. Configuring the value too high will allocate or consume more resources than necessary for an individual request to the JavaHost, may cause the Javahost to become unstable or crash and should be configured in context of all JavaHost requests (charts, graphs, exports).  Set the value to something reasonable that works with your large data sets.  The default is 8192 (8MB), but you may need to increase it to 16384 (16MB), 32768 (32MB), etc. (1024 * X).

Note: If your organization uses the export feature in Oracle BIEE, it is recommended that you set this subelement to false. When set to false, data is streamed to JavaHost gradually rather than saved to a file first and then processed, thereby improving export performance.

    1. In the xdo.cfg file, change the setting for xlsx-keep-values-in-same-column to True.
Note: If the entry does not exist, then you can add it in the following format:  <property name="xlsx-keep-values-in-same-column">true</property>

add this between the <properties>  and </properties> tags

  1. Restart the WebLogic Administration Server and the Managed Server  and Oracle BI system components

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